Please follow these guidelines when writing articles for Japan Dev.


Please use a simple writing style.

You should write like you speak, aiming for a 3rd - 5th grade reading level. Use short sentences, short paragraphs and simple words. Include bullets, numbered lists, and tables where possible.

Copy your writing into Hemingway App to check if it’s simple — it will tell you if you’re using overly complex words, long sentences etc.

Paragraphs should be no more than 3 lines. And while your average sentence length should be short, please vary sentence length so your writing doesn’t feel monotonous.

Make sure the article flows naturally and uses a conversational tone. If you read it out loud, it should sound natural and have no jarring transitions. This article is a good example of conversational prose that flows well and entices you to keep reading.

This article contains a great overview of the simple style we’re aiming for.

Avoiding Filler

Every sentence must add value to your article. Please read through your work and remove any unnecessary words or sentences. There should be no fluff left when you submit it.

Avoid adverbs. Instead, include concrete statistics or facts. The same goes for most adjectives.

❌  “An extremely large number of users”